
Nick Hoogeveen & Associates offers great working conditions with the opportunity for individual growth for all members of staff.

Management promotes and supports staff to maximise their potential and offers furthering education and is a practice committed to professional development.

Accounting management regularly attend courses and seminars, as part of their structured continuing education required as members of the CAANZ.

A register of courses, seminars, webinars and training opportunities is readily available for all staff to consider. Where appropriate, staff are encouraged to attend and expenses are met by the practice.

In house training is undertaken where necessary. Internal systems are regularly updated and full training on new systems and/or highlighting enhancements is undertaken with all users.

An open door policy enables staff to openly communicate with principals at any time enabling continuous training and development as questions arise in day to day work.

An intranet system is available to all staff and has extensive coverage of business and accounting compliance information.

Staff meetings are scheduled on a weekly basis during office hours, the ideal forum to discuss new concepts, tax updates, technical questions and discuss goals and achievements. Team members are encouraged to raise issues encountered within their roles and this invites open communication between principals and staff.

Staff reviews are conducted between individual staff and management on an annual basis inviting open discussion from both parties as to?? progress, goals, achievements, and opportunities available.

ATO Status

Nick Hoogeveen & Associates are ATO certified (Approved Training Organisation). Our practice is approved by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand as capable of offering the type of work experience that fulfils the practical experience requirements for admission to the College of Chartered Accountants or College of Associate Chartered Accountants.

The ATO system ensures that practical experience is planned, supervised, relevant, and gained in a quality environment with high ethical and professional standards. As a ATO, our function is to provide an environment in which a trainee can develop the necessary skills and attributes to become a competed Chartered Accountant or Associate Chartered Accountant.


Nick Hoogeveen is a registered mentor with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. Registered mentors play a significant role in training and developing candidates seeking admission to the Institute. Mentors must be experienced members of the accounting profession who possess the required knowledge, skills and professionalism to undertake a mentoring role.

The goal is to help the trainee work more effectively and with greater competence and confidence. Mentors verify that a trainee has gained the required practical experience for admission.